Pregnancy is a time of great joy for the family, especially for the parents. However, pregnancy also comes with its fair share of worries. Some parents brood over the possibility of their baby developing specific health problems and in turn lose sleep over it.

Today, prenatal testing gives parents the option of determining early on if there is any possibility of their baby being born with defects or any possible genetic conditions. If you are looking for options to get prenatal testing in Kolkata, make sure you look for a reputed clinic.

Who can undergo prenatal testing?

All pregnant women can opt for a prenatal test. However, there may be some women who are at greater risk and must definitely talk to their gynecologist and see if they need a prenatal test.

Pregnant women who are usually advised to undergo prenatal testing, include:

  • 1. Pregnant women who are older in age.
  • 2. Pregnant women who have a genetic condition in their family or have a previous child with a genetic anomaly.
  • 3. If an ultrasound determines any abnormality.

Types of Prenatal Tests:

Non-invasive prenatal testing:

This method allows you to check for any chromosomal defects that the baby may have. Since the mother’s blood has traces of her baby’s DNA in it, it requires only a blood draw from the arm.

This test can only be performed from 10 weeks of your pregnancy and is 99% accurate in determining any chances of Down Syndrome.

A negative or positive Screening report determines whether your baby is unlikely or likely, respectively, to develop Down Syndrome, Edward Syndrome, or Patau Syndrome.

In case your result is determined as positive, you will be instructed to undergo an invasive test in order to confirm the positive result.

Invasive Prenatal Testing:

This includes two types:

  • 1. Amniocentesis: This is usually performed after your pregnancy has completed a duration of 15 weeks. It involves retrieving a small quantity of the amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac via a fine needle inserted through the abdomen of the mother.
  • 2. CVS or Chorionic villus sampling: CVS is usually performed at around 11-13 weeks of pregnancy. This method involves the removal of a small amount of fetal tissue from the placenta in the mother’s womb via a fine needle that is inserted through her abdomen.

There are certain risks that are associated with these invasive prenatal testing methods which include:

  • 1. Pain similar to your period pain
  • 2. Feeling a sharp stinging when the needle used in the procedure goes inside the mother’s abdomen
  • 3. Some cramping may happen after the procedure is carried out, which is completely normal

If you experience any other unusual symptoms like bleeding, contractions, fluid loss, or shivering, contact your doctor immediately.

Since invasive methods involve an approximately 1% chance of miscarriage, you should get it done only at a reputed clinic and under a doctor who is experienced in such procedures. If you are wondering about the prenatal testing cost in Kolkata, contact a reputed clinic and discuss which procedure you might need. Afterward, they will determine and inform you of the possible costs and other precautions you need to know about the procedure.

Also Read: 7 Common Pregnancy Complications

Why undergo prenatal testing?

Determining whether your baby is at risk helps you weigh different options for your baby with special pregnancy management tools or other delivery management tools.

Since a healthy baby is always desired by the parents, getting sure with the help of prenatal testing is a great way to keep any stress at bay. So, get in touch with a reputed clinic now and see if you need a prenatal test.