The use of ultrasound technology in gynecology dates back to the 1950s when it was first introduced to women who had experienced irregular menstrual cycles. In modern-day medicine, ultrasound technology is widely used to diagnose issues related to the reproductive system, including ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, cervical cancer, and more. These uses have led to its widespread adoption among medical professionals and consumers alike.

Read and find out about the reason for using gynecology ultrasound scan Kolkata.

Purpose of Gynecology Ultrasound:

Gynecological ultrasound is a medical procedure that involves the use of ultrasound to diagnose abnormalities in a woman’s reproductive system.

  • A doctor may perform a pelvic examination before performing a gynecological ultrasound test. He or she will start by feeling the abdomen and pelvis for lumps, masses, cysts, or other irregularities.
  • Next, he or she will insert a probe into the vagina and press lightly against the cervix to detect any abnormal conditions.
  • If no abnormalities are detected, the doctor may insert a speculum into the vagina and press the vaginal wall outward to expose the uterine cavity.
  • Once exposed, the doctor will use the ultrasound machine to check the lining of the uterus.
  • Finally, the doctor will remove the speculum and check for any abnormal findings. With the help of a gynecology ultrasound report sample, any abnormality can be detected.

The main reason ultrasound is useful for gynecology is that it can help us to find problems before they become serious. Ultrasound exams can detect early pregnancy, or even identify ectopic pregnancies (when the fertilized egg is not implanted inside the uterus), and can tell if a woman is ovulating regularly. These scans can also examine the cervix for cervical dysplasia, polyps, fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

Therapeutic ultrasound works differently than diagnostic ultrasound. Diagnostic ultrasounds only measure the structure of the fetus while therapeutic ultrasounds target specific problems. Therapeutic ultrasounds can be used to treat muscle injuries, broken bones, joint pain, and other ailments.

Is the Process Painful or Unsafe?

Ultrasounds work by sending high-frequency sound waves into the body. These waves bounce off any object, and the return signal is then recorded. Different objects reflect different amounts of energy back at the transducer (the probe that is put on the skin). By measuring the amplitude of the reflected waves, doctors can tell how much energy was returned.

The process does not hurt. The only time ultrasound machines cause pain is when they are moved over certain parts of the body. That is why doctors first cover their hands in gel and then slowly move the probe across the patient’s abdomen or breasts.

There are several applications of ultrasound. One can find an ultrasound machine commonly used at a hospital or clinic. Doctors use ultrasounds in the office to diagnose gynecological conditions; however, they do not perform regular gynecological care on patients without a referral.

There are some rare risks associated with ultrasound examinations. But these are extremely low and unlikely.