Low Ovarian Reserve and Fertility Challenges

Published On - May 8, 2024

best infertility clinic in Kolkata

Diminished ovarian reserve is when a female has fewer eggs left in her ovaries compared to others. This makes it difficult for a woman to get pregnant. The ovarian reserve may also be considered a part of a female’s biological clock, but this clock may vary from woman to woman. The best infertility clinic in Kolkata provides a comprehensive approach in regard to low ovarian reserve and fertility challenges in females.


The low ovarian reserve may be caused by different factors that include the following:

  • Age 

A female’s ovarian reserve naturally declines with age, especially after the age of 35.

  • Genetic factors 

Some women may have a genetic tendency to early ovarian ageing.

  • Endometriosis 

Diminishes number and quality of eggs to hinder fertility 

  • Medical issues

Previous surgeries performed on a woman’s ovaries, as well as certain medical conditions like autoimmune disorders, may affect ovarian functions.

Amount of eggs in females

Females are born with approximately 2,000,000 potential eggs, which is all the eggs they will ever have. Eggs are continuously lost, so by the arrival of puberty, most women may have around 400,000 eggs remaining. By a woman’s late 30s, this amount will have further declined to about 27,000. At the onset of menopause, most females only have around 1,000 potential eggs left in their ovaries. Women who are diagnosed with low ovarian reserve at a younger age may consider fertility preservation options to preserve their fertility for the future.

It is critical for those affected by infertility or low ovarian reserve to seek medical assistance by visiting the top fertility clinic in Kolkata on an immediate basis.

The relationship between low ovarian reserve and fertility challenges

Here are some of the fertility challenges that are associated with low ovarian reserve:

  • Reduced fertility

Low ovarian reserve may decrease a female’s ability to conceive naturally especially if they are older or have additional fertility issues, as there may be fewer eggs available for fertilisation.

  • Decreased response to fertility treatments

In assisted reproductive techniques like IVF, women with low ovarian reserve may have a lower response to ovarian stimulation medications, resulting in fewer eggs retrieved during the IVF cycle.

  • Increased risk of implantation failure or Miscarriage 

May result in biochemical pregnancy or early miscarriage 


To sum it up, dealing with low ovarian reserve and fertility issues can be emotionally distressing for individuals and couples. There are fertility treatment options that are available and the best infertility clinic in Kolkata helps women avoid complications during pregnancy and prepares them for a smooth delivery.