Understanding the Link Between PCOD and Infertility

Published On - April 24, 2024

best clinic for pregnancy care in Kolkata

Facing PCOD and infertility can be a challenge for many women but this does not mean that starting a family is impossible. PCOD, or Polycystic Ovarian Disease, can lead to an imbalance in hormones like insulin, which may affect the development and release of eggs. This may further contribute to infertility in females with PCOD. The best clinic for pregnancy care in Kolkata helps us get a clear understanding of how PCOD and infertility are related.

The link between PCOD and infertility

PCOD refers to a hormonal disorder that affects females of reproductive age. One of the most common symptoms of PCOD is menstrual periods that are irregular. This leads to difficulty in ovulation and can result in infertility since women with PCOD may face issues in conceiving naturally. It is vital for women with PCOD who are trying to conceive to manage their symptoms and improve their chances of getting pregnant. 

  • The impact of hormonal imbalance

Infertility is one of the signs of PCOD. Generally, female sex hormones are produced by ovaries, as well as minute quantities of male sex hormones. Females need some amount of these male hormones for their bodies to function normally. These hormones, combined, aid in the development of eggs and process the regular menstrual cycles. However, in particular females, an imbalance of these sex hormones exists. This results in ovaries producing higher amounts of androgens than usually required. Excessive androgen levels interfere with the biological process of ovulation, which results in abnormal menstrual cycles and may include other health issues. 

Individuals who are pregnant and have signs of PCOD must undergo an ultrasound test for pregnancy in Kolkata frequently to evaluate the development of the fetus.

Some studies state that in females with PCOD, the pituitary gland produces surplus amounts of Luteinizing Hormone in the blood. In such situations, follicles do not mature and ovulation may not occur, leading to infertility. 

  • Symptoms of PCOD

Besides uneven periods, females with PCOD may experience other symptoms, which include the following:

  • Changes in hormone levels lead to mood swings and the growth of acne.
  • The increased levels of insulin and testosterone results in weight gain.
  • PCOD is also associated with the possibility of breast and endometrial cancers.
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Skin tends to become oily.
  • Excessive facial and body hair growth.
  • Increases the chances of elevated triglycerides


To conclude, reproductive problems are a significant concern that impacts the physical and emotional well-being of an individual. The best clinic for pregnancy care in Kolkata offers resources to individuals who struggle with reproductive issues to improve health outcomes.